Barry Chuckle
Along with his beloved brother Paul, the Chuckle Brothers graced our TV screens for over 40 years.

A gallery of the fondest memories captured throughout the years. Relive those cherished moments in time or add your special memories of Barry to the gallery.
Memories & stories
My daughter and I have lovely memories of a true gentleman, who we met after many of their shows. Barry was always friendly with a smile for everyone. Sadly missed.
- Carol
My Childhood
Oh the Chuckle Brothers. How they have given me such laughs growing up. I watched them religiously on TV and had the wonderful opportunity to see them live on stage, meeting them afterwards both times.
Knowing I can see Barry anytime by rewatching Chucklevision, which I still do today, gives me comfort over his passing. I hope Paul can find comfort in knowing how loved he and Barry are. They will always be my heroes.
R.I.P. Barry. Thanks for bringing many laughs “to me”. Here’s “to you”.
- Alex
Meet Chuckles in Butlins
we meet the chuckles in Butlins they were great and they were really nice
- Hannah
He was part of my childhood...
The story title is enough... Coming home, the chuckle brothers on TV. Light-hearted banter that was/and still is, good to watch. Both Paul and Barry are legends. Thank you for making so many people's childhoods, up there with he-man, the mutant turtles and thundercats... Timeless
- Andrew
Love these two!
We saw Barry and Paul at Windsor pantomime, I took my son and daughter when they were children. They are now 31 and 25! not only did they steal the show, but they came to the bar after, signed everyone's programmes and were utterly lovely and charming. I follow Paul on Twitter now and loved seeing him in the Marigold Hotel. He played the Woking pantomime the first year after Barry died, without his brother, but he was brilliant and a consummate professional. Bring back Chuckle vision BBC!!!!!
- C. J.
The Chuckles
I met the chuckles at Manchester Opera House when they did pirates of the river rother it was great I also managed to get a photo 😀
- Lauren
I had the pleasure to meet both Barry and Paul in Newcastle, both amazing gents. We miss you Barry x
- Sean
Dick Whittington
My parents took me to see the brothers perform in Dick Whittington in 2004 for my birthday. Towards the end, they invited members of the audience to go on stage to play a game with them. My dad was chosen! He had a fun and silly time with them, and got a collection of goodies to keep. I still have their photograph in my childhood bedroom to this day. A very cherished memory.
- Keri
Meeting Barry & Paul at the Spa Centre
Had the pleased to meet Paul & Barry at the Royal Spa Centre.
- Mubarik
Meeting the ChuckleBrothers at The Royal Spa Centre, Royal Leamington Spa.
I was so pleased to meet Barry & Paul again. I reminded them both about working with Barry & Paul on one of their episodes called ‘Men in White Coats’ which was filmed in Royal Leamington Spa. I was the young cricketer!
- Mubarik
what a pantomine
a few years ago,we went with our daughters to the Lycium in this day it remains the best panto ever.the crowd got involved the brothers went of script absolute magic.thanks you two.
- rees
Along with my father, I was an avid watcher of 'Chucklevision' when I was small. We even got to see the Chuckle Brothers in panto (Nottingham) and I was absolutely thrilled. On screen and off, they just seemed to bounce off each other so naturally, and their light puns provided constant entertainment, no matter how many times you'd seen the episode before. RIP Barry, much missed.
- Juliet
Christmas Time
I meet Paul and Barry at Christmas one year when they turned on the Christmas lights at Crystal Peaks. I don’t know whether they meant for them not to come on but it was funny anyway!
- Abi
I attended every Chuckle Brothers theatre show in Sheffield for 5/6 year straight and Barry never failed to make me laugh
One of my favourite skits was when they used to cook and people kept changing the radio station so whatever they made came out wrong .
I’m sure wherever Barry is, he’s continuing to make people laugh
- Jamie
Lucky enough to get tickets to see Paul and Barry with our 6 year old about 20 years ago. Thank you both for all the laughter over the years. We got a parking ticket that night, worth every penny. Our daughter laughed until she cried. Brilliant family memories.
- Susy
Swindon 2005
I took my 7 year old son to see Paul and Barry at Swindon theatre in 2005. It was a couple of months after we lost his much loved dad. You made my son laugh that day and I have never forgotten what a precious memory that was during such a Difficult time. Thank you Paul and Barry x
- Jill
Christmas Panto
I will never forget going to see Aladdin in Blackpool. Paul and Barry were playing Wishy/Washy respectively. I was only young at the time but I remember being really jealous after the show, names were pulled out of a hat and my neighbour, who we had come with got invited to go on stage with Paul and Barry. I was mortified, especially when Paul asked her a question to which I knew the answer! We both got to speak to them after the show, they were genuinely lovely blokes. Hope you are well Paul!
- Matthew
My family and I loved watching the chuckle brothers and went to one of their shows when my brother and I were kids. I will always remember that show because my dad got a cream pie in the face TWICE. It was one of those funny moments you will always remember from your childhood and as a family we still reminisce about. I now work for Marie curie and see the amazing way Paul supports us in memory of his brother Barry.
- Katie
Got the opportunity when i was 6 or 7 to see Paul and Barry live in Carlisle for Spooky Goings on 2. I remember loving the show and was wondering why afterwards we were in a large queue then realised as it went on i was about to get their autographs. An absolute thrill for me, adored Chucklevision and Barry was incredibly lovely, it felt like he really wanted to give every single person the time, attention and care they deserve, one of my earliest memories i still remember fondly.
- Josh
Dearest Barry Chuckle. ❤️
I was born too late to enjoy chucklevision when it first aired. But I’d always switch on the reruns, the positivity spread by both was amazing. Brightened so many children’s lives. Elderly people are meant to be boring, it’s in their job title. But they were like teenagers. Life of the party’s, heaven better be making the most out of Barry. One of the most recognisable figures in British culture! A title he will hold forever. Mr Paul Chuckle, thank you!
- Dhillan
Chuckle Brothers at my Grandparent’s
My main memories of watching ChuckleVision was at my Grandparent’s house. My Grandad used to absolutely love them and we would laugh away watching it. We lost my wonderful Grandad a year ago today on the first anniversary of Barry’s death. He’d likely be causing mischief up in heaven too. I got the pleasure of meeting Paul and Barry some time ago in Birmingham at one of their pantos. Top class people, and Barry is well missed by all!
- Charlotte
Chucklevision was always on my list of things to watch when I got home from school and I really enjoyed the game show "To Me To You". I have always had a lot of time for both Paul and Barry Chuckle due to the amount of entertainment and laughs which they have given us over the years and I am ever so sorry for Paul's loss but it is an understatement to say his brother has left an incredible legacy behind along with countless wonderful childhood memories. RIP Barry and keep up the fine work Paul.
- Lewis
Chuckle sisters
Me and my two best friends absolutely love the chuckle brothers, so much that we named our Race For Life team the ChuckleSisters in 2016. We tweeted Barry and Paul telling them about this and got a retweet from them both, which made our day! We still call ourselves the Chuckle sisters and it makes us smile every time we remember. Thank you Barry for providing so many laughs and entertainment over the years. ❤️
- Sally, Ellie and Justine
Defined so many childhoods
I remember I used to wake up hours before I had to on weekends just to watch Chucklevision on CBBC, absolutely made my mornings and I’ve seen so many others share the exact same experiences as me. Absolutely class act
- Grace
Me to you
Took my kids to see The Chuckle Brothers at Leicester De Montfort Hall. As I remember it was an Indiana Jones type Panto. We all loved it. Brilliant family entertainment. After the show we queued to have our programme autographed by Barry and Paul. When we met them they were so lovely and spent time talking to my kids. As we handed over the programme to sign they both said “to me to you”. My kids loved it. They are now 22 and 19 and still love that childhood memory.
- Sarah
The Chuckles got me a girlfriend
I met Barry and Paul at a nightclub and arrived super early so I could be first in line.
We took a photo and after Barry told me to “have a good night”. I was so thankful for his time and kind words. It was a great night.
My photo with Paul and Barry ended up on my tinder profile, where a girl messaged me - “you met the chuckle brothers!?”
We have been together for 3.5 years now.
We then ended up meeting them together!
Thank you for getting me the girl, Barry! We love you!
- Joshua
Edinburgh Playhouse Early 2000
My kids grew up watching C.Bros, I got tickets (front row) for my husband, kids and mother in law. They came out after the show in high spirts, Barry had put a foam pie on my husbands face, mother in law was covered too! I think they thought I’d planned this! Happy times, kids all grown up now and sadly lost mother in law to dementia a few years back. You were always brilliant fun, great memories! Thank you CB I’m now a volunteer helper with M.C Love this charity! x
- Joyce
Thank you Barry Chuckle
Thank you for the many years of laughter you have bought me. I remember I used to fake being I’ll just so I could stay home and watch Chucklevision. 🤣 Almost 25, one 4 year old and another baby on the way and still to this day when I’m having a rubbish day or I don’t feel well I will stick Chucklevision on. Something I want my two children to enjoy when they grow older too. Thank you so much Sir. R.I.P
- Laura
Remember the Chuckle brothers
I remember the Chuckle brothers. Ch Ch Chuckle vision, Ch Chuckle vision. Brilliant shows.
- Jonathan
I really just want to say thanks for all the joy and laughter you guys gave me. Watching you work together always made me laugh, no matter what was going on in my life. Never forgotten.thank you ♥️♥️Xx
- Cat
The best years of my life
I went to see my first chuckle brothers show when I was 13. Met them at 14, and since then been to every show and met them every time ever since. Barry was a really great guy and I will forever treasure these memories.
- Charlotte
My mum and dad used to take me to see the chuckle brothers all over the country. I LOVED it and used to always wait behind to meet them afterwards. It was always so personal to me. Not only did they sign my teddy (who I still have!) and my programme, but they would always sing to me too ( a song about Katie) and it was so lovely. Genuinely, they must have been so busy but always made the show so special so and to spend that time with us at the signings afterwards was what made it so special.
- Katie (Northampton)
Stage Door
I went round to the stage door a few hours before a show. Very nervous, I saw Barry standing outside and approached him. I was a stammering wreck, blabbering about how much The Chuckle Brothers meant to me. Barry was so warm and kind. He stood there for a good fifteen minutes chatting and asking me about my life. He only stopped because he had to prepare for the show. It's a memory I will always cherish, that he took the time to do that.
- Jake
Lots of happy, family memories
My brother Ben, has Autism and Barry and Paul brought him so much joy, along with new experiences. He loved travelling to different theatres, he laughed hysterically at the shows, but most importantly- Barry and Paul always made time to chat to him after and make him feel special. He treasures all his signed goodies, and watches his many DVDs still. Barry and Paul have given us so many happy family memories! Miss you Barry, and sending lots of love to Paul - Thank you guys! xx
- Emily (and Ben)
Lost for words
My nephew has special needs, he loved the chuckle brothers. We took him to a live show at the empire theatre in Liverpool, it was HILARIOUS, we all loved it. Afterwards we waited ages in the meet & greet queue, he was so excited and keep asking questions impatiently. Then it was finally our turn!! Paul & Barry where lovely, they asked his name but he was to nervous to say a word, all that waiting time giving me a headache but he went silent in awe when it was his turn. I’ll never forget it.
- Kate
Growing up my childhood always consisted of watching Barry and Paul on Chucklevision and the game show To Me To You. Whenever someone was moving something you'd always hear the catchphrase To Me To You and people still do it now. Its such a famous catchphrase that will always be remembered from Chucklevision. Barry's memory will live on forever. I never got a chance to meet them and I wish I had but I know they are absolutely wonderful people.
- Katie
I went to see Barry at a panto in Glasgow with Paul around 2 half years ago always loved their show so it was a privilege to meet them
- toni
When I was about four or five years old, my mum took me to see the both of you perform at the Hexagon in Reading. At the end of the show I was frantically calling out both of your names. You both turned, looked at me and smiled and waved together. It may have happened about 22 years ago but it's one of my oldest, fondest memories. Thank you for all of the laughs you gave me over the years. True legends of comedy.
- Jack
Making a 4 year old's holiday
When on holiday in Scarborough as w 4 year old in 1993, I met Barry walking along the beach. He asked if I had seen the show and I said I wasn't allowed as it was too laye at night. He said they did an afternoon show which I did see. After, Barry saw me queing for the meet and greet and remembered me. He pulled me to the front and both him and Paul proceeded to sing "Michael row the boat ashore".
- Michael
A True Comedy Legend!
Although I never had the fortune of meeting Barry, I spent my entire childhood (and let’s be honest, even into my adulthood) watching him & Paul on ChuckleVision. I watched re-run after re-run & never got bored of his excellent comedic timing. I did get a chance to see him live in Panto & he was excellent there too, thrived off the audiences reactions.
He will always be missed but Paul will no doubt keep his legacy alive, even if it’s just posting photos of him.
Thank you Barry!
- Dave
Growing up
I remember watching Barry on ChuckleVision with my grandad growing up. Hearing him laugh at it and seeing the joy that you both brought him was one of the fondest memories that I have of him now. Wish I could go back to those times, coming home from school and walking up to my grandparents, who are sadly both no longer with us, to have my tea and watch the Chuckle Brothers. You both brought so much joy to the world and Barry will never not be in all of our hearts
- Simon
Although i never met barry or paul, i remember my parents meeting them both and bringing home their autograph for me and my brother. i was very happy when they came back with it. i think i was about 8years old. my parents said that both was charming and funny.
- suzie
I met Barry outside the Civic Theatre doors after a Christmas panto in Darlington, he was so lovely to me and I was a big fan of Chucklevision back in the day so I was a bit starstruck 😅 I'm the one in the pink coat, I always felt very special that Barry was looking at my camera when the picture was taken haha RIP to a childhood legend 💖
- Angie
Northampton Pantomime early 2000s
I often went to watch the Chuckle brothers in Pantomime as a kid, one year I were sitting in the front row and Barry stood infront of me. I shouted "Hi Barry!" and he turned and smiled and gave me a big wave. To this day its one of my favourite memories.
- Zandy
He's still with me
I feel Barry’s with me all the time. He didn’t believe in an after-life, but I always did. And now every dream I have, he’s there – not old or how he was at the end, but middle-aged. I think he’s telling me that he was wrong and there is an after-life.
I’ll remember all the fun we had on stage forever – every time we worked together. It’s nice to know he will be remembered by so many other people, too.
- Paul
Honoured at Rotherham FC
Along with his brother Paul, Barry received many accolades. Both huge Rotherham United fans, in 2007, the chairman announced that the brothers had both been made honorary presidents of the football club. Rotherham fans paid tribute to the late entertainer in the 73rd minute against Ipswich Town by chanting 'To Me, To You'. The club celebrated it's win with a special twitter post 'Millers 1 v 0 Ipswich. To you, Barry. #rufc'
British Academy Children's Awards 2008
In 2008, Barry and Paul were honoured with the Special Award at the British Academy Children's Awards.
- Marie Curie

Barry, together with his brother Paul, was beloved as family entertainers the Chuckle Brothers. Their BBC TV show ChuckleVision ran for over 20 years.
From winning the TV talent shows Opportunity Knocks in 1967, and New Faces in 1974, to starring in several other TV shows, including Chuckle Hounds, and their own game show To Me, To You, Barry brought joy and laughter to so many people. During his career Barry received many accolades. A huge Rotherham United fan, in 2007, the chairman announced that the brothers had both been made honorary presidents of the football club. In 2008, they were honoured with the Special Award at the British Academy Children's Awards.
Barry and Paul also loved music, releasing a fun album of their own, and in 2014 they collaborated with rapper Tinchy Stryder on a single, To Me, To You (Bruv) – a classic!
Barry’s work touched so many people, over so many years. We invite you to use this space to share YOUR memories of Barry, and the many laughs he brought to everyone.