Heather Ann Romain
Mum truly was the strongest woman I've ever known; she told it as it was but had the biggest heart going and cared for everyone.
A gallery of the fondest memories captured throughout the years. Relive those cherished moments in time or add your special memories of Heather to the gallery.
Memories & stories
Royal Albert Hall - Part 2!
After the show, Heather and I thought we should say that we enjoyed it, so as not to disappoint Gill, but to our surprise she turned round and said "please don't tell anyone, but I thought that was a load of rubbish and will never feel the same about him again". We all fell about laughing.
- Angela
Outside the Royal Albert Hall
The photo of Heather, me and Gill was taken at the Royal Albert Hall when we went to the Royal Albert Hall to see Cliff Richards. Gill was a great fan of Cliff's and she came home from Spain for a holiday we decided to take her to see him as a surprise. We bought Gill a t-shirt to wear and when the show started, Cliff started going on about God and how wonderful he was - Heather and I looked at each other as if to say "what the hell are we doing here" ... to be continued!
- Angela
Heather and her cans
Anyone who knew Heather, knew she collected cans but they may not have known that she donated all the money from them to charity. We all used to cringe when we had to help her carry them back to her house (Eastbury Grove in Chiswick) but no matter how much we moaned, we did it because we knew how much she enjoyed helping other people. She always tried to do good in her life and she just let you know by her little gestures that she would always be there for you, come what may.
- Angela
The good that Heather did.
Heather never came to visit with me without a suitcase packed for me and other people. She was always on the look out for things that might be useful for someone else and she loved going round the car boot sales here and buying things she thought someone in London might like. Heather always took everything that anybody gave to her and always found someone who needed it.
- Angela
Memories of Heather coming to stay with me in Balsham (the village of our birth)
When Heather used to come and stay with me, she would come down on the train dressed in all her old clothes (clean, but old). I used to say to her "why do you dress like that when you have some great clothes at home" and her reply was always the same - "if I dress like I do not have a penny, no-one will mug me" and it always made me smile.
- Angela
For mum …
Two thousand and twenty has barely begun But it feels like all laughter is over, and done. Our mother, our champion, our warrior queen Has succumbed to the virus and now lies serene. A mum in a million, that doesn’t come close To describing the woman who we’ll miss the most. Her life wasn’t easy – not from Day One But she wasn’t here, to be pushed or outdone. She was there for her family, she was there for her friends And her loyalty was boundless, like her love, with no ends. It’s true she was forthright and tough as old boots – You’d be forgiven for thinking she cared not two hoots. But “hard as nails” was all front-of-house And hid a fierce fire, that no-one could douse. We’ve no idea what lies ahead Or how we’ll cope now that she’s dead. We know she’d be thinking we’re all bloody thick That life’s not a game and death’s not a trick. But you weren’t supposed to leave us like this Without one final word, or one tiny kiss. We want to see you, if just one last time But Covid-19’s a cold, thieving crime. It’s robbed us of mum and so much more It’s left us all broken, right to the core. You know you’ll never be forgotten And that we loved you something rotten. But you’ve left us feeling all lost at sea And, even if that’s meant to be The timing’s all wrong, for us, if not you And each waking hour just makes us feel blue. Mother, mum, nanny, nan, sometimes grandma, never gran Collectively, we stand as one, and live and breathe your biggest fan. Put your feet up, rest in peace Our love for you will never cease. Two thousand and twenty has barely begun But it feels like all laughter is over, and done.