Kathryn Nancy Arrowsmith
Wife, Mummy, Daughter, Granny
Kate, born 30th of December 1950 in a snowstorm and taken away from us on 3rd of September 2019. There’s so many things we could say about her but I will leave it at this. She was just amazing. Nothing can describe her zest for life, the love she had for her husband, her children, her grandchildren, her whole family. Her smile was a host of sparkling stars, her laugh magical and her hugs were the safest place in the universe to be.

A gallery of the fondest memories captured throughout the years. Relive those cherished moments in time or add your special memories of Kathryn to the gallery.
Memories & stories
Warmest smile and warmest heart
Aunt Kate’s smile would light up the room. When I was new at Leicester University I was feeling a little lost and took the train over to see Aunt Kate, Uncle Paul, Jodie and Becca. Aunt Kate could tell how I was feeling and made it OK. Knowing Aunt Kate was just up the road with a hug if I needed one was just what I needed. X
- Tracey
Mummy Kate - force not to be messed with
I remember being 17 and getting my then boyfriend to get me a vodka and lime in the Packet. She let him pay for my drink then downed it herself. Then she came over to me and said "Paula I love you dearly...but try that again and I'll give you a clip round the ear". I never did. And when I turned 18...she bought me a double ❤Loved her a lot xxx
- Paula
My 2nd Mum
I miss your smile, I miss your infectious giggle, I miss they way you made everyone feel welcome and included, I miss the way you would listen and give advice without judgement. I miss everything about you, you were my 2nd mum and a fabulous, beautiful friend xx
- Mel
The day she became an Aunt for the first time
Aunt Kate loved to tell the story about the day I was born. She was at home with Granny and Grandad, making an egg salad sandwich. Dad called to let them know there was a new baby girl in the family and Aunt Kate broke a tooth biting into her sandwich. She used to laugh uproariously and give me a big hug: it was our story. She didn't just listen, she heard what you didn't say as well as what you did, never judged, always loved, nothing was too much to deal with. Forever in my heart xx
- Lucille
We would sit in the staff room in the early hours and literally as soon as you walked in would feel welcome and at home. I would feel like I knew all of her lovely family personally with how she would share all her stories and love for them . Kate's stories were truly captivating. Kate would always be there with advice and so much love. She truly is missed so very much. Xx
- Em
There are too many memories to write down of how special Kate was . She truly was the most amazing person and I think of her every day. The warmest kindest welcoming amazing lady . My words don't do her memory justice . She was the first Radiographer to get me to touch a patient. I was so nervous but Kate just seemed to connect and calm whomever she would meet and within any situation. Kate would find a way to to connect and welcome everyone. She truly is so very special Xxx
- Em
This will always remind me of mum and Paul in the Packet ... along with curly fries! 😍 https://youtu.be/NztfOSyCCFM
- Mellie-Jo
Did not know Kate very long but she was a lovely lady and made Kneale and myself very welcome into the family and loved my son xxxx
- Pauline
I too remember the late night chats and games in the wee hours when we couldn't sleep! She would always have time..never too busy miss her loads xx ❤
She always had great advice ..and always calm. It took a lot to get her mad! 🙈 xx
- Anna-Christine
You could guarantee Kate would always be 1st in the staff room and be there with such a beautiful smile and chat each morning! She got us all though our tough times always a shoulder to cry on and there to give love/support and advice x miss her lots x
- Kirsten
Ahhh I used to love early morning chats with Kate in the staff room ❤️ she was always there at the crack of Dawn with a cuppa and the paper looking at the crossword! She was SO good at them!
- Laura
The main thing I remember about Kate is her stories about friends and family and how she told them. By the end of each story I felt as though I knew everyone as well as she did. She spoke with such love. 💕
- Joanne
Memory part 2
Kate told him all about her grandchildren, making him feel so at ease and welcome. Ben has never forgot the kindness your mum showed him that day.
- Deborah
Memories part 1
It was the day that Ben (my son) came to work to start a placement with Medical Physics for a week. Very daunting for a 17 year old. He came early with me to ‘run up’ the Linac so he understood what a Linac was. After I had to treat patients so he had to disappear until the physics staff arrived, I put him in the staff room. When staff arrived about 1/2 hour later I collected him and he told me Kate had been the 1st to arrive, she was warm and friendly, immediately getting to know B
- Deborah
Words with friends, candy crush and Christmas cards every year to NZ. Kate always stayed in contact with me after I immigrated 12 years ago. Although we didn’t see each other, I always could rely on a friendly message, words of encouragement and laughs. An amazing woman who really had a huge impact on my life as a newly qualified RT all those years ago. she also was responsible for connecting me with the her girls and Paul on fb!
- Karen
Kate (2)
That was Kate's magic. No matter who you are, your age, background, heck even if you couldn't speak the language she would find a way of connecting with u and remain a friend for life. I honestly think she knew everyone and their family tree and managed to find a way to connect us all together in a bond that would never break. Love her. X
- Monica
I could always guarantee Kate would be there for a game of words with friends or send extra lives for candy crush late at night. We often had chats online then she would go quiet for a bit mid chat then restart the chat later. Could picture her falling asleep with her phone or pad in her hand ( or glass of red). She got me through those long nights when I was up with the babies- playing farm ville!
- Monica
Kate was a very treasured member of our department and I soon realised this when I started at Derby. I loved listening to her stories about how her and Paul met and their time in Saudi. I will never forget when she told me her and Paul’s name for us.... “tarts on tour”. It’s not the same without you, we miss you but I know you would be happy for us to have a drink for you with your other half ❤️ Xx
- Nicole
What can I say? I am so lucky to have the best mummy in the world. I have the best memories of growing up and always knowing you were there. I always felt your love and support which only grew to include Aidan and then David, Ethan and Dylan. I miss you every day and just wish I could have mummy hugs again. I love you mummy.
- Becca
So many amazing memories. The BBQs, the holidays, the early years at the pub, the sleepovers and the family events to name a few. One memory I’ll never forget is the night my parents had gone out and Granny came over to babysit me for the night. I must’ve been around 8. She sat and told me so many silly stories and let me stay up later than normal but most of all she explained to me exactly how much loves and adores me. I keep this with myself everyday and I’ll never forget it. Love you Always x
- Aidan
All my memories of you Kate are full of laughter, from the first day we met at work. Your Delboy moment at Iggys 40th was legendary, from your Saudi stories to the ostriches head in the sand. I miss you every day my beautiful friend.
- Laura